General billing conditions


    Secure Sockets Layer (128-bit SSL security) ****uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to provide you with the safest shopping experience. SSL technology allows for the encryption (ciphering) of sensitive information, including passwords and credit/debit card numbers, during your online transactions. All forms on our website are secured with SSL technology to protect your personal information from malicious hands. 


    The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an information security standard for organizations that handle credit/debit card and open credit information. The standard set by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards Council was created to expand controls around credit/debit card data to combat credit/debit card fraud through detection.


    We currently accept payments by Credit/Debit Card, Visa, American Express, Discover, JCB, Maestro. All prices and figures are in US Dollars. Additional fees apply: Shipping fees will be charged at checkout. We do not charge US tax. Please read the shipping terms for more information. We do not collect or store any payment information provided by customers. All transactions are processed through a secure gateway.

    Is PCI compliant? 

    Yes, is certified as PCI DSS Level 1 compliant. 

    We take your online security very seriously and have invested significant time and money to certify that our solution is PCI compliant. From annual onsite assessments to validate compliance to ongoing risk management, we work very hard to ensure the security of our platform.


    We cannot access your credit card/debit card number. Once your purchase is complete, we can only see your billing information, shipping information, order details and therefore the last 4 digits of your credit card/debit card.

    • PRIVACY POLICY doesn't like anyone revealing our personal data and neither do you! For this reason, we don't rent, sell or share your personal data with anyone.

    Our privacy policy describes how your personal data is collected and therefore also how your personal data might be used.

    Learn more about our privacy policy

    Please buy with confidence!